Use a flight comparison website like Compare Flights. This will be a fast, broad approach and include codeshare flights.
Be flexible when you travel, a day before or after your desired date could be significantly cheaper, especially during the holiday season.
Book flights as far in advance as possible or, live dangerously, and try and bag a last minute offer.
Fly off-peak. Monday mornings and Friday evenings are often the most expensive times to travel - avoid these if you can. Mid-week, early morning and late evening are where you can often find great flight deals.
Flying indirect is sometimes cheaper. Indirect flights are becoming more popular, with many travellers opting to make a stopover on their journey.
Treat your outbound journey separately from your inbound one. A different airline or airport for the return journey can often yield cheaper airfares.
Be wise to hidden extras including charges for luggage, seat selection and food.
Book with a credit card. Not only does this payment method provide you with more support should the airline go bust, many credit card companies provide points or airmiles to reduce your cost of travelling.
Look for loyalty schemes with your favoured airlines.
Think outside the box. As an example, using the charter flights from a package holiday and not even staying in the thrown in accommodation can be cheaper!
Want more? Read our definitive guide to finding and comparing the cheapest flights.
The latest travel advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) can be found here. This will include information on travel corridors, specific Covid-19 restrictions and other recommendations to ensure your trip is an enjoyable one.
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A definitive guide to finding the cheapest flights
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